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Mage Cat

A member registered Oct 31, 2017

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hi, sorry for bothering you, i'm just not sure if it's revelant or not? i restarted from an earlier save and got to the place i was again, and i got the same error message, so starting from earlier didn't help sadly :((( if it's not revelant to bug fixing then im sorry to bother you!

okay, thank you! good luck! i'm loving ur game a lot!!!

hi, i love ur game! i'm on pc and after Protag loops back and talks about being Angry, i keep getting the error message: "Loading Error: Failed to load: audio/bgm/dungeon_the%20castle%2C%20the%20house.ogg" 
sorry my laptop doesn't wanna take a screenshot :((( i can click 'retry' and get like. 2 seconds of movement but then it just freezes and gives me the error message again?